- Earth History: Upper division major requirement for geoscience majors at Penn State. For many students, this course is their only experience describing a stratigraphic section before field camp.
- Field Geology: Upper division field-based course designed for geoscience transfer students and mining engineering students. Many of the students take this before or in lieu of a structure course. A major skill taught in this class is how to locate outcrops while not getting lost yourself (i.e. a typical Appalachian geology field course).
- SEEMS 2016: as part of Outward Bound Math and Science, the Summer Experience in Earth and Mineral Sciences involved involving three high school students in planning and conducting a research project on fluvial geomorphology.
- For various outreach events associated with Penn State Association of Women Geoscientists and We Are For Science (a science advocacy group founded at Penn State) during the 2016/2017 academic year we used a stream table to actively engage elementary school age children in “scientific play”.